We spent our early days meeting our neighbors. We invited them to fellowship in our home. Over time, these gatherings grew, and the people we met expressed their hunger for God's word. We spent more and more time in prayer, teaching, eating meals together, and building community. Within six months, our gatherings began to overflow out of the house and onto the steps. In 2006, we moved to the basement of the building that we now own, where Epiphany Fellowship Church worships today. Like the early disciples, we an array of global ethnicities, young families, singles, professionals, Philadelphia natives, college students, artists, and seasoned saints joined in one purpose: to serve Jesus.
The idea of church has been connected to the place - the building housing people in worship to the one true God. However, we know that we, God's people, are the church, regardless of the context. It is our responsibility and pleasure to enact His grace in the world as His body. We are in a growing relationship with Jesus and one another. We are agents of change in our city, not just within the walls of the building or on Sunday morning. Every day, everywhere we go, we show off the glory of Christ in every area of life.