Dr. Eric Mason
Lead Pastor
Lead Pastor
About Us
God's Voice with Our hands
The Epiphany Fellowship story began in 2001 in the South when my wife and I felt God calling us to pray and plant a church on the East Coast. At this time, a new mission field of unreached people came of age in the cities of North America (Matthew 9:37). Compelled by the Lord, commissioned and confirmed by the pastoral leadership of several church communities, we embarked on starting a new church in the city of Philadelphia (Acts 14:21-23).
I spent countless hours studying the Bible and asking God for guidance. He graced me with this vision: a Christ-centered, biblically sound, come-as-you-are, multi-socio-economic, multi-generational, city-reaching, glocally-engaging, church-planting church in the city (Acts 2:42-47, 13:1-3, 14:21-15). During a visit to Philadelphia, we asked God if this was our mission field. He confirmed both to my wife and me.
Philadelphia is nuanced and beautiful, with many cultures and deep histories. To be recognized and trusted in neighborhoods like North Philadelphia, we needed to speak the love language of the community effectively.
We spent our early days meeting our neighbors. We invited them to fellowship in our home. Over time, these gatherings grew, and the people we met expressed their hunger for God's word. We spent more and more time in prayer, teaching, eating meals together, and building community. Within six months, our gatherings began to overflow out of the house and onto the steps. In 2006, we moved to the basement of the building that we now own, where Epiphany Fellowship Church worships today. Like the early disciples, we an array of global ethnicities, young families, singles, professionals, Philadelphia natives, college students, artists, and seasoned saints joined in one purpose: to serve Jesus.
The idea of church has been connected to the place - the building housing people in worship to the one true God. However, we know that we, God's people, are the church, regardless of the context. It is our responsibility and pleasure to enact His grace in the world as His body. We are in a growing relationship with Jesus and one another. We are agents of change in our city, not just within the walls of the building or on Sunday morning. Every day, everywhere we go, we show off the glory of Christ in every area of life.
We show off God’s glory by building bridges in our community. We seek opportunities to engage our neighbors in North Philadelphia and beyond and point them to Jesus.
Like many urban communities, North Philadelphia lacks access to critical resources compared to other areas. These include quality health care; affordable, nutritious food; and effective schools. We believe that God can use us to meet those needs and, in doing so, create open doors to share the Gospel.
Core Convictions
We emphasize the centrality of Jesus Christ and His uniqueness as both fully God and fully Man. We worship and build our lives upon Him.
Culturally Relevant
We contextualize ministry through a sound understanding of the Bible and the culture. We do this to reach lost people through faithfulness to the gospel and disciple-making.
We make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ through missions and evangelism. We believe fellowship, love of the saints, and godly living attract unbelievers to the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ
We are committed to the teaching and application of the Apostolic doctrine by making disciples through the power of the Holy Spirit in order to see Christ formed in the lives of the body.
We are building a healthy environment in which believers fellowship with other believers with Christ at the center.
Our leadership & Staff Team
Dr. Eric Mason
Founder & Senior Pastor
Dr. Mason has been graced by God to preach and teach at churches and conferences in the US and abroad. He is the recipient of multiple earned degrees, including a BS in Psychology from Bowie State University, a Master of Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary, and a Doctoral degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.
Email Dr. Mason's Office: seniorpastor@epiphanyfellowship.org
Pastor Nyron Burke
Stewardship Pastor
A committed believer, business executive and entrepreneur Nyron Burke is passionate about leveraging the skills developed in his professional career to help the church manage its finances and assets from a Biblical perspective. His role is to help the church to be “good stewards of God’s varied grace” .
Email Pastor Nyron: pastornyron@epiphanyfellowship.org
Pastor Curtis Dunlap
Family Life Pastor
Curtis Dunlap serves as the Family Life Pastor at Epiphany Fellowship Church in Philadelphia, PA. Through this position, Pastor Curt provides oversight to the church’s marriage, men’s and women’s discipleship, student ministries, as well as some outreach summer programs.
Email Pastor Curt: pastorcurt@epiphanyfellowship.org
Pastor Vernon Mobley, Jr.
Worship & Creative Arts Pastor
Email Pastor Vernon: pastorvern@epiphanyfellowship.org
Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 9 am and 11 am.